In a shocking incident, a couple abandoned their baby at an airport check-in desk after arriving without a ticket for the infant.
A cell phone video revealed that moments after a baby boy was abandoned this week by his parents at an airport, leaving staffers in “shock.”
The incident took place in Tel Aviv when the parents, whom authorities have not identified, were checking in for a Ryanair flight from Ben-Gurion International Airport to Belgium with the infant, the Israeli Airport Authority confirmed to CNN and Israeli outlet N12 News.
A Ryanair spokesperson said the couple, who planned to travel from Tel Aviv to Brussels, arrived at check-in without a ticket for their infant.
“They then proceeded to security, leaving the infant behind at check-in,” the outlet reported, adding the airport check-in agent contacted airport security, who retrieved the passengers.
The pair, who have not been identified, were checking in for a Ryanair flight from Ben Gurion International Airport to Brussels, Belgium on Tuesday with the infant.
It emerged that the baby did not have a ticket, and the couple headed off to board the flight — leaving their child behind on the airline check-in counter.
A spokesman for Israel Police told CNN in a phone call that the matter appeared to have been resolved by the time police arrived on the scene. He said: “The baby was with the parents and there’s no further investigation.”