SRINAGAR: National Mid-Year Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (MID CON IASP 2024) & CME on CBME (Competency Based Medical Education) by Indian Teachers of Psychiatry (ITOPS) is being organized by the Department of Psychiatry SKIMS Medical College and Govt Medical College Srinagar (IMHANS-K) 0n 20th & 21st APRIL 2024 at SKIMS Medical College Bemina Srinagar J&K.
The Theme of the Conference was “Changing Lifestyle and Mental Health” appropriately chosen as present epidemic of NON-Communicable diseases like depression, Diabetes, heart Diseases, obesity and other psychiatric illness are precipitated and aggravated by the faulty lifetstyles that are prevalent these days in our society across world.
The inaugural ceremony was presided over by Dr U C Garg, President IAPS with Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah (IAS), Administrative Secretary, Health and Medical Education & Director SKIMS, Srinagar, J&K as the chief Guest. Dr Iffat Hassan Shah, Principal GMC Srinagar/ Handwara and Dr Irfan Robbani, Principal SKIMS Medical College graced the occasion as Guests of honour. Other dignitaries present on the dice were Dr Varghese Punnoose, Dr Mamta Sood, Dr Vivek Agarwal, Dr. G S Kloiysa, Dr Mohammad Maqbool and Dr Abdul Majid (organizing Secretary of the event). The Chief Guest emphasized the importance of sticking to the ABC’s of positive lifestyles like Adequate sleep, Balanced Diet, Connectedness (soial), Devotion to Social causes & religious activities and of course of the Exercise as the best possible measures for prevention of mental health issues and lessening the burden of such diseases in the society for optimal health of our present and future generations.
Earlier in the day, Indian teachers of Psychiatry (ITOPS) in collaboration with Department of Psychiatry, SKIMS Medical College Bemina Srinagar organized a CME on CBME (Competency Based Medical Education) which is the new curriculum introduced by National Medical Council (NMC) with an aim to transform medical education for more competency and skill based approached to make the Indian Medical Graduates (IMG) perusing carrier in various medical institutions for more patient centric training than traditional teaching method. The chief guest during the inaugural session for this event was Prof. Pratima Murthy, Director of prestigious National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences Bangaluru (NIMHANS) with Dr. Mushtaq A Margoob, the leading Mental Health Professional from J&K as guest of honour.
Nationally and international acclaimed researchers like Prof. R Srinivasa Murthy, Prof. Roy Abraham Kalivayalil, Prof Pratima Murthy, Prof. Mushtaq A Margoob, Prof. Mohan K Issac, Dr IRS Reddy, Prof Rakesh Chadda, Prof. Pratap Sharan, Prof. Varghese Punnoose, Prof Sandeep Grover, Prof. M Kishor and other well known psychiatrists contributed to the scientific sessions as faculty based on their vast experience and research in the field of Mental Health. In addition to these, other notable Speakers from renowned institutions in India delivered thought-provoking presentations, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to mental health care with special reference to healthy lifestyle as one of the most important preventive measures. The conference showcased cutting-edge research in psychiatry, with a focus on importance of adopting to positive lifestyle and evidence-based practices that can contribute to promotion of positive mental health.
Faculty members, residents and students from SKIMS Medical College, Govt Medical Colleges of J&K and rest of India active participated in the event which is finally aimed at improved patient care and achieving the objective of having a healthy society.
Prof. Abdul Majid, (HOD Psychiatry at SKIMS Medical College) and organized Secretary, Dr. Mohammad Maqbool, Organizing Chairman and Dr Nizam-ud-Din, co-organising Secretary thanked all IASP & ITOPS Office bearers, invited guests, speakers, chairpersons, the participants and the support staff for giving them opportunity for having the fruitful deliberation during this prestigious event.