Indian Railways require apprentices: Eligibility, qualification, and how to apply

Monitor News Desk

South East Central Railway has invited applications from eligible candidates to fill up the posts of apprentices.

Candidates can log in to South East Central Railway’s official website

Here are the details

Company Name               South East Central Railway Recruitment 2022

Post Name          Apprentice

 No of Posts: 1044

a. For Nagpur Division: 980

b. For Workshop Motibagh: 64

 Training Period: 1 Year

. Qualification:

a. The candidate must have passed the 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) 50% marks, with a minimum in aggregate, from a recognized Board and also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training or Provisional Certificate issued by National Council for Vocational Training/ State Council for Vocational Training.

b. The candidate should possess the required qualification as of the date of opening of online notification i.e. 04-05-2022.

Training & Stipend:

The training will be regulated according to standards/syllabus issued by Central Apprenticeship Council. The candidates undergoing training will be eligible for stipends as per prescribed rates.

Age Limit

The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as of 01.05.2022.

Important General Instruction:

1. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other criteria. If erroneously engaged, such candidates shall be immediately dismissed without notice at any stage.

2. Candidature of the candidate shall be canceled if he/she fails to produce the required original testimonials for verification or any other discrepancy noticed.

3. If it is noticed by the Railway administration that the candidate has furnished Wrong /fake Certificates/false certificates, the Railway administration reserves the right to discharge the candidate/selected candidate at any stage without any notice, even after his/her selection to undergo training.

4. Further they may be liable for penal action. The Railway administrations do not undertake any responsibility for sending replies to the candidates not selected or not called for.

5. No correspondence in respect of the application submitted shall be entertained or replied by this office to any individual or organization.

6. The Railway administration will not be responsible for any printing error.

7. The Engineering Graduates & Diploma Holder is not eligible to apply for apprenticeship in response to this notification as they are governed by a separate scheme of Apprenticeship.

8. No daily allowance/conveyance allowance or traveling allowance will be paid to the candidates called for document verification.

9. After selection for engagement, the request of the candidate to change the division/ unit will not be entertained

10. The candidates who are called on any day notified by the Administration for verification of certificates are not eligible for any traveling/Dearness Allowances

11. The apprentices shall be governed by the provisions of the apprentice’s Act, 1961 and apprenticeship Rules, 1961 as amended from time to time and such other Railway Rules and Regulations applicable to them

12. In case an apprentice discontinues the apprenticeship training and fails to fulfill the obligations as per his contract without valid reasons, he shall have to refund the stipend paid to him, the cost of training, and such other costs that may be determined under the rules by Railway Administration.

13. The decision of the Railway Administration in this regard will be final and binding. No accommodation will be provided by Railway for apprentices.

14. They will have to make their arrangements. While utmost care will be taken for finalizing the final list of eligible candidates, in case of any oversight the administration has the right to make changes at any level, and the decision of the administration will be final and binding.

Selection Process for South East Central Railway Recruitment 2022

1. Selection will be based on a merit list prepared in respect of all the candidates who apply against the notification

2. The merit list will be prepared based on a percentage of marks in matriculation [with a minimum of 50% (aggregate) marks] plus ITI marks (Estt. Rule No. 201/2017) in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done

3. The panel will be based on a simple average of marks in the matriculation and ITI (The entire duration of the course).

4. For calculation of the percentage of matriculation marks obtained by the candidates in all subjects will be reckoned and not based on marks of any subject or a group of subject

5. For calculation of the percentage of ITI marks, average marks mentioned in the consolidated statement of marks for all semesters of the trade applied / marks mentioned in the Provisional National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT/ SCVT will only be reckoned

6. For calculation of the percentage of marks of SSC of candidates from Board of Secondary Education Andhra Pradesh, Board of Public Examination, Kerala, etc.

7. Nagpur division of SECR will take the midpoint of the range of grades obtained by the candidates. After obtaining midpoints of all the attempted subjects according to grades awarded, the average will be calculated treating each subject is out of 100 marks, as there is no standard method or multiplying factor for calculation of the average of matriculation for such Boards.

8. A final merit list will be prepared cluster/unit wise, trade wise, and community wise, equal to the number of slots in the descending order of percentage of marks obtained by the candidate.

9. The shortlisted candidates would be subject to verification of all original testimonials and being found fit in appropriate Medical examination by Railways as applicable for the Workshop and the other Units of division.

How to Apply

1. The ONLINE application completed in all respect, can be submitted online from 04-05-2022 to 03-06-2022 (23:59 hrs). No physical copy of the application is required to be sent to the Nagpur Division of SECR. Even if it is received, no cognizance will be given to it.

2. Applications must be submitted online only on the web address

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