SRINAGAR: A ray of hope has glimmered after the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) agreed to reconsider the delisting of the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI).
KCCI has taken up the issue with DGFT and they are hopeful of being listed in Appendix 2E of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2023.
“DGFT had issued a public notice in 2021. Later they again issued notice last year. However, there was no separate notice issued to KCCI. Last week, they delisted 29 organizations across the country. We were one of them,” Javed Tenga, president of KCCI, told The Kashmir Monitor.
KCCI immediately took up the issue with DGFT so that exports would not be affected. “We have taken up the issue on the same day. We are hopeful that the matter will be resolved by tomorrow. Since there were some pending cases, we have facilitated it from Delhi so that our exporters do not suffer,” said Tenga.
Under paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2023, DGFT de-listed 29 organizations from Appendix 2E of FTP 2023. This action signifies a significant shift in the landscape of agencies authorized to issue Certificates of Origin (Non-Preferential).
Under the new order, 29 de-listed chambers/agencies cannot issue Certificates of Origin (Non-Preferential). This government wants all businesses to comply with the latest technological advancements in the field.
“We are the authorized body in Kashmir to issue a Certificate of Origin. Since we have again reached out to DGFT, we hope to get our authorization back,” said Tenga.
Kashmir handicrafts had a good run in the international market despite the Ukraine war last year.
Official data accessed by The Kashmir Monitor revealed that handicrafts worth Rs. 1116.37 crore were exported in FY 2022-23 against Rs. 563.13 Crore in FY 2021-22
Shawl exports have recorded the highest increase. Against Rs 165.98 crore in 2021-22, the shawls worth Rs 424.20 were exported in the last fiscal. While. Likewise, the carpets recorded a Rs.106.15 crore increase. Against Rs 251.05 crore in 2021-22, the carpets worth Rs 357.21 crore were exported in 2022-23.
Chain stitch recorded a huge jump in exports. Against Rs 79.56 crore in 2021-22, the chain stitch exports hit Rs 284.46 crore in the last fiscal.
However, there has also been a slight decrease in the exports of Papier Machie. Against Rs 13.25 crore in 2021-22, the exports fell to Rs 8.51 crore last fiscal.
Usually, 50 percent of handcraft exports comprise carpets because of their huge demand in the international market. Nearly 40 percent of exports comprise shawls. crewel and woodcarving. The rest 10 percent comprise other items.