Health - Page 208

March 29, 2024

6 Effective Ways to Relieve Vertigo

Vertigo is one of the most common forms of dizziness The sensation of feeling off balance or feeling like you or the world around you is spinning are common symptoms of vertigo.…


Every year, world heart day is celebrated and spread awareness about cardiovascular dfseases. Having a nutritious diet to fuel their hearts and power their lives should be important for everyone, especially for…
July 20, 2018

Is migraine linked to ear disorders?

People with chronic migraines may be at an increased risk of developing tinnitus — feeling of ringing in the ears — and other inner ear disorders, than those without the severe headache…
July 20, 2018

Kids of pregnant smokers ‘likely to be aggressive’

Pregnant women who smoke risk delivering aggressive kids,according to a new Canada-Netherlands study. Aggressive offspring were characterized by their mothers as quick to hit,bite,kick,fight and bully others. The research has been published…
July 20, 2018

Eat walnuts to ward off diabetes risk

Consuming walnuts — rich in antioxidants — may nearly halve the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes compared to those who do not eat nuts, finds a study representing more than 34,000 adults.…
July 14, 2018
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