The internet VPN or the Virtual Private Network has been completely blocked in Kashmir after low speed internet was restored on the mobile phones in January.
VPN applications had been much in demand in the Kashmir Valley with people using it to access social media sites.
“None of the VPN applications is working on any phone network now,” said a Srinagar-based businessman who installed VPN applications on his phone.
Earlier the government had stated that internet restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir will remain operative till March 4 as the J&K administration said that VPNs are being misused by anti national elements including handlers from across the border to bypass the Internet restrictions for coordinating with their operatives in J&K to plan terror acts.
In January, the government issued a list of 301 white-listed websites which can be accessed. All other websites, including social media platforms remain blocked.
But the restoration of mobile internet 2G in Kashmir after nearly six months generated little hope due to extremely slow speed.
The speed has been further decreased and it takes a lot of time for the mails to refresh.
“Earlier the speed was slow, but now it is dropped down even further for the last two days, We are not able to upload the pictures,” said a Kashmir based journalist.
For broadband restoration the businessmen are signing bonds committing not to allow IP address for accessing social media.
The bond also bars use of VPNs, WiFi, encrypted files, videos and uploading of photos. All USB ports of the computer will have to be disabled also.
The business units or the company will be responsible for the breach or misuse of the internet.
The business house is also required to provide complete access to all its content and infrastructure as and when required by security agencies.
A MAC (minimum access control) will ensure restriction to the use of internet access to registered devices through a single PC.
This is not good i am a student and i dont have books or any kind of studying material i depend on internet how can i study i cant afford books Thank you
It’s totally violation of Fundamental Rights by the administration .
Shame on Indian government. #KashmirWantsFreedom
i think they should make black list of sites that they think should be closed rather than making white list of the sites providing profit to government. google is working fine but if we have to search anything it does not provide us full information it takes us to the related topic and for getting whole information about that topic we have to open that site but they can’t be opened because they are blacklisted and thats called a joke by the name of internet in kashmir we are frustrated
It really hurts
.. Frustrating, annoying and matter of concern. No one is looking onto our problems.
I’m a student, preparing for a competitive exam, how can I explain that how much I’m suffering, I’m not able to open an article on any topic, especially YouTube which is the best and easy way to listen and watch lectures on different topics from world’s specialized personalities,
Today I was looking for a query and tried times on Google but couldn’t open any page…
My exam is near, what can I do?
I can’t afford costly books and at the same time they are not available in the market!
Where should I go now?
To whom I should approach?
No one is listening, no one is caring about us
It’s ironic that from last two years not a single aspire has qualify IAS!
The reasons are same
Are we living in 21 century?
I don’t know whether anyone will read this or not but I wanna say
I’m suffering a lot due to the Internet Restrictions and this is the story of every student of j&k..
It really hurts
Plz Thank
I am from SL. Reading all these comments from the people who are going through this hardships is really sad. India raise your standards don’t be so low as to supress basic human rights. This is not the cure and your bullshit reasons doesn’t justify your acts either
Im from US,. it’s good. Internet has spoiled the world. I hope to wish the internet shut forever’in US.
Only trump can do that.
You Can switch off the mobile data toggle on your devices. No need to wait for the trump’s Order.
Blacklist the social sites, and start a Portal for reporting VPNs and Social Media sites. By this we can report the govt. of illicit use. And the genuine people can get their things going. Besides, social media shit, we have many other things, gaming, entertainment, sports, finance, education, shoppingetc. That needs a smooth way ahead.
The peoples of j&k suffers many problems because of internet.students are suffrering from many problems during exam the rollno.slips is not privide ..the study materials for exam and other asspects..For relxation of mind some of peoples need online gamimg ,entertainment and other its kindly request to restore these feature except social media networks who r uploading gake rumours
Thank yoi
Social media is not only that is available on internet indian government think kashmiri people are loosers they don’t know what can do on internet. Presently Internet is 1st need than other needs start. I am student and I earn money on online and pay the clg fees but when internet snapped I don’t pay Clg fees how can i arrage my fees…. It’s hell in kasmir
Social media is not only that is available on internet indian government think kashmiri people are loosers they don’t know what can do on internet. Presently Internet is 1st need than other needs start. I am student and I earn money on online and pay the clg fees but when internet snapped I don’t pay Clg fees how can i arrage my fees…. It’s hell in kasmir
Even university websites donot open.What is the use of this internet, where we can not open educational websites and buisiness blogs . This muscular policy, political hagemony and authoritarianism will not long last. History repeats and will repeat in kashmir as well. InshAllah.
Not only Blocked Vps but also Blocked all Apps working in our phone this is not good In the name of vpn you have suspended evry Aap Now only access to & few Govt sites it’s pathetic. Violation of Fundamental Right.
SRI LANKANS – Mind your own fucking business. What have you doing to Tamils? We love Kashmir and its people. Yesterday Mansur bhai from Kashmir came to my place and said “Millions of tourists are arriving in Kashmir”. Internet problem is not permanent and will be resolved in due course of time. It is actually done to stop large scale terrorist involvement.Kashmiri leaders have reduced it to a backward state. Now Kashmir is peaceful. Wait for some more time and things will be normal
Really millions I am Kashmir and I don’t see ? a fly
Lol yes brother I have friends and family in Kashmir, they say the same too, and this guy here see millions. How sarcastic lol.
Lol your racist comment says it all. The world is no longer limited to National boundaries. you love Kashmiris? what about your Government? Have they done anything good for Kashmiris. Btw there is cultural flow and every country has the rights to involve and talk against injustice. What your government is doing to Delhi Muslims more than obvious to expose your so called democracy.
Surprise! Surprise!
Modi quits social media just to gain publicity_ I think he needs to gain humanity by giving kashmir his legacy back. #KaShMiR_SooN_tO_beComE_NigHtmaRe_FoR_MoDi
what i can do my exam are started in five days and i did not prepare for the examination due to internet restrictions plz plz to restart the internet connection so i can prepare littlebit plz..
They did not block VPNs, first check it yourself they blocked everything. Not a single banking site is operative.. is that blacklisted. I am unable to submit my fee. Plz do some research before writing, this I feel is onesided.
Well it’s very sad for the people of kashmir. We are suffering from many things and now this internet. The indian government isn’t leaving any chance to suppress us.
It doesn’t matter for us anymore coz we are used to it. May almighty Allah make everything easy for us. Ameen
Plzzz open internet plzzzz plzzzz plzzzz
Ye sab yaaad rakha jayega…!
To white list some bullshitt sites is just a plan to show the UN that india had restored the internet in kashmir……
This is really insane, snapping internet from last 7 months shows how far are we existing from the rest of the world. We are extremely tired of this, there is no one to listen us. Internet restrictions has devasted Kashmir and the new startups are in big losses and have lost faith in restarting again with a fresh.
Big shame of Indian govt
I am a pg student i am suffering because i have not books for read.Ban on Internet in jammu and kashmir became amassive broblem for all particularly students of the vally thanks
I just wanna say please restore the network? in kashmir please please
Hii Everybody please restore internet in kashmir because we are suffering lot of problems in kashmir
The Internet is very beneficial for students in all aspects. It serves as a teacher to students from where you can ask everything and it will answer you. The Internet can be used to very fast purposes to get information and knowledge to want to get your subject, field, education, institution, etc.
It’s 21st century the century of modern era and in this era social media is the way to express feelings. One expresses his feelings, his opinion, his ideas for better society. And what???! We are not allowed to access it. Why ❓ is the government using their powers wrong.
Restrictions and blockage caused by Indian govt on whole internet is really a fun with Kashmiri,s, since it has reached over 7 Months, no One is responding towards us, But Allah is best witnesses, giving open access to only google is just for showing UN and other that there is no restrictions on Kashmir internet,
But My dear Kashmiris have faith on Allah (SwT) , INSHALLAH someday Allah SwT) will end this oppression and will save the humanity of Kashmir
So Annoying and frustrating
indian government shame
Internet restrictions creates a lot of problems especially jk students world’s worst democracy country who says that we are democratic national shame on India
If your government shutdowns you internet then it’s time to shutdown your government
Internet is our weapon.
If you don’t let us dream we don’t let you sleep #india
From 20 Feb the upsc website was not opening and we were not able to fill forms for the exam Now our request to upsc is that please extend the date as every candidate has to wait 365 days for the exam. Banning internet is injustice to students and violation of Human Rights
I am a student I am studying on YouTube as I have books but youtube helped me much but I can’t watch YouTube so I request the govt to restore 4g internet so we can study
Thank you
I am a btech student All the books I need are very costly so I am wholy n Solly dependent on u tube n Google and there is no access to these sites wt will I do
Like me there r millions of students in kmr who suffers as well.
I am a btech student All the books I need are very costly so I am wholy n Solly dependent on u tube n Google and there is no access to these sites wt will I do
Like me there r millions of students in kmr who suffers as well so I don’t expect any thing from India bt I do from my Kashmiri brothers to do something about this problem .
Totally Violation Of Fundamental Rights By Govt. of India Here In Kashmir.It’s 21 ist Century And You Can’t IMagine Even Life Without Internet In This Modern Era.Now It Has Been 7 Months When The Indian Govt. Have Snapped Internet Here,Few Days Back They Restored 2g Internet But Has Reduced It’s Speed To It’s Lowest,They Are Just Showing Then World And UN That We Have Restored Internet In Kashmir.Plese Someone Tell Modi And Their Bakhts That Internet Is Not Only For Social Media It’s Nowadays A Life Where You Can Find Everything You Search,And At Last We The Students Of Jammu And Kashmir Suffers a Lot.We Will Remember Everything
It is So Frustrating ..
With out internet i cannot Access my Company Given App .
How can i Report .
if Government have Decided to Ban 4 G in J and k why 2G as it is of no use , Internet should be Fully Blocked..
Achey Din
We are suffer here in kashmir.unemployment, no internet facility… 9lack deployed indian army men here in kashmir.. tortured. murdered.. and abused our ethnicity… still india is a highly democratic country.. is a shame in the name of democracy
We can’t face more problems plz restore Internet 4g as soon as possible.
Plz restoring 4g i m not studying without internet..
Hasi aate hai hasratay insaan par
Guna karta hai khud lanat bajta hai shatan par
Shame shame shame
Jab kashmir ap ka hai tow internet par bane kive
Jab kashmir ap ka hai tow social media par bane kive
Ap ko kashmir kay log nai balki kashmir ke zameen chaheya
Kashmir kay logoon ko samjo in kay saath acha salook karo phir dakho kashmir ap ka hoga
Serf zameen nahi balki loog
Bacho jaisi harkate kr rha hai Indian government…..khud hi violation krte hai fir naam hm kashmiriyo ka dete hai…
We r suffering alot because of internet problems…….we r unable to download books?
Indian administration is thinking bY making a barrier to the social media people of kashmir wont be able to raise their voice towards the whole world but india is wrong as already India has been ashamed at world level on NRC etc and on the blockage of interNet services across whole jammu and kashmiri… We dont have accepted the brutal rule of india and we will never ever accept it,….. What india is presently doing with us the same will be applied on India soon INSHAALLAH ??☝️☝️✌✌
Asalaam Mu Alikum :
Yeah Zulum Hum Kashmiriyu Par Hi Kyun Lagu Hota Hai. Misuse Hum Kartai Hai. Kya Joke Hain Yeah
Ab Agar Misuse Kartai Hain Toh Unko Band Karo Na. Duniya Itni Aagai Badd Gayi Ab Aap Yeah Pata Nahi Laga Saktai Kon Misuse Kar Raha Hai.
Na Humko Duniya Ki Koi Khabar Hain Na Bachai Padd Pa Rahai Hain. Pagal Government Hum Kar Bhi Kya Saktai Hain.
Phass Gayai Toh Tadapna Kya!
Ab Allah Ki Madath He Hogi Insha Allah Aur Insab Ka Yeah Khail Khatam Hoga Bhout Jald | Caronavirus Hoga Inn Sabko
I am from kashmir,in my previous class class i easily qaulify for next class with great result, because i hear lectures from you tube.But in this class I have got below marks than previous class because internet has been closed because of article.It is actually dominance of central government.India is actually not a democratic country and has not federal government.It is dominated by union government.I think people can’t enjoy full rights,mostly in kashmir.kashmir is the region dominated by muslim people but see there is hindu ruler without elections. Can we say this is democracy.This is not democracy.This is actually oppression
Big shame on Administration.
Internet services are the backbone of this era as we live in the hi-tech world where world is swayed by the e-services.So everyone is completely relying on the internet,we in Kashmir valley are facing dearth of internet services from a very long period which has affected ecerone here in Kashmir and in particular students.we have to wait at govt offices for the important stuff which makes our goings miserable.we request govt to please consider our legitimate demand of restoring internet services here to make us compatible to other people.
Please please all Indian r my brother and sister please save Kashmir please help as.Kashmir is in trouble all Indian my brother and sister please save Kashmir.
Internet is much more than social networking sites, my baby is ill, I don’t get any information regarding the disease.
Zulum ki intiha…
Best example of occupation in this world kashmir..
Modi is spreading the Terarisiom in kashmir……..
They have totally frustrated us, mostly the students .
No other country keeps internet blocked like this , if few people are misusing internet that doesn’t mean you will block internet to everybody…
At least understand our problems…
Why’s he’s #modi banning Social media ???¿ modi g what’s the matter are you insane or what we Students are Facing Problems only 153 websites are Working here of no use to us …you have snatched our Liberty Of freedom ,every Person in this world has a liberty To do whatever he wants to but you do not let Us do what we want to we people of kashmir have been facing many problems just think About it aren’t we humans are what?? you treat us like puppets j&k administration in all fields sucks …why it’s always us ? isn’t India a democratice Country Where The Fuck is democracy?? show us you people have been oppressing us since 1947 yeah
Please look into the matter it’s very important for our future is depending on it. Govt has restored 300 websites but all are useless, even some govt portal websites are not working. I’m a student and I have to go for further studies and for which I have to give entrance but the study material is not available according to syllabus. Internet was very helpful but now it’s not working here. If govt wants to ban social media please do it but at least open other web sites. I know no one will listen it because hum kashmiri hai hamari koyi nhi sunta.
We don’t want live with india. But they are forcing us to live with them. What is this?
#kashmir wants freedom
The J&K administration is totally illogical. They can Blacklist social media sites and remove the high speed internet curbs. Whitelisting the social media sites and extending the high speed internet curbs, How it will benefit the information seekers? . They all need high speed internet.
Its really difficult to understand. First the administration made all the ISPs to create a firewall ? to block all VPNs, So that internet users cannot access social media sites and after blocking all VPNs. Administration have Whitelisted the social media sites. What was the purpose to create a firewall ?? Hehe
Hi I am from west bengal living in howrah ,I want to share my opinion regarding the kashmir issues ….its true that the entire state has been going through a lot of hardships as a result the scenario over there is deplorable right now so I think govt should look into this matter and take necessary steps as soon as possible . I think being a human human right is ouf basic need and no one should be deprived of it …our media always focuses on the dark side of the valley there are so many positive sides which should not be overlooked ….the students are really very talented they should be given equal right just like us ….its sheer injustice …no doubt about it ….please do something for them ….its my request it really pricks my conscience that where we are getting all opportunities on the other hand kashmir which we claim its our part of country just taking away everything from them …its really pathetic …
Agar 4g nahi dala me 400 hindu gods ki g@nd maru ga