Jammu, Dec 10: Secretary Social Welfare Department (SWD), Dr. Farooq Ahmad Lone Monday directed the concerned Directors to gear up and complete the Aadhaar seeding of pensioners under ISSS & NSAP Scheme by 15th of January, 2019.
The Secretary issued these instructions while reviewing the Aadhaar seeding of beneficiaries receiving pension under Integrated Social Security Scheme (ISSS) & National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) here at meeting.
Director General, Social Welfare Kashmir, Director Finance, Social Welfare Department and Director, Social Welfare, Jammu attended the meeting.
During the meeting, it was informed that in Kashmir Division the Aadhaar seeding under ISSS is 66% and under NSAP scheme the Aadhaar seeding is 38 % whereas in Jammu Division the Aadhaar seeding under ISSS as well as NSAP is 50%.
It was also decided that the pensioners/Beneficiaries shall be given an opportunity to deposit/update their Aadhaar numbers against the respective Pension Scheme/Component of ISSS/NSAP at the nearest Tehsil Social Welfare Office by/before 15th of Jan, 2019 which shall help the Social Welfare Deptt to identify and weed out ineligible beneficiaries under the different components of ISSS/NSAP Schemes viz; Old Age Pension, Widow Pension & Disability Pension and cover the pending cases.
It was given out that Pension for the Month of January 2019 onwards under different components of ISSS/NSAP Scheme shall be credited into the bank accounts of only those Pensioners/Beneficiaries whose accounts shall be Aadhaar updated/seeded except for those having valid reasons.
For availing Aadhaar services, ISSS/NSAP Scheme Pensioners/Beneficiaries have been advised to visit the nearest Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) office where Aadhaar capturing facilities are available.