opinion - Page 139

July 2, 2020

How Bakarwals are braving the pandemic

By Firdous Khan At a time when almost entire world is in the middle of Corona Virus crisis and all sources of physical connectivity be it local, national or international have been…

The alliance should now end

There was only one reason that the otherwise ideologically dissonant alliance between the BJP and the PDP in Jammu and Kashmir — what former chief minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed called the…
May 6, 2018

Gone Rogue

Every passing day, Kashmiriyat dies a little more, what good does Jamhooriyat hold, when insaaniyat holds true only in our folklore? No matter how ideologically one human is different from the…
May 6, 2018

Winners May Be Losers In Karnataka

It was what a film director would have described as a perfect take. “You are a beginner” says he, grinding his teeth in simulated anger. “These are your days to learn”.…
May 6, 2018

Operation Bluestar had British Hands?

By Kuldip Nayar The British government has rejected a petition by the Sikh community in London to make public all papers concerning Operation Bluestar. Margaret Thatcher, then British Prime Minister, was close…
March 27, 2018

Defeating Ambedkar

By Manini Chatterjee The BharatiyaJanata Party president, Amit Shah, gave a spate of interviews to different television channels last week, days after the shock defeat of his party in the by-elections to…
March 27, 2018

What you see on FB, Twitter is twisted, and how

By Ravi VisvesvarayaSharada Prasad For years, social scientists have claimed that social media platforms would lead to greater social and political awareness and understanding, by providing easy access to multiple points of…
March 27, 2018

Frequent Internet Blockade!

By Umair Rashid Whenever encounters between government forces and militants happen in Kashmir, the government promptly blocks mobile internet services in the region. The move, as always, is to apparently prevent the…
March 27, 2018

Desperate times for Pakistan

By Zaigham Khan There is too much desperation in the air. It is hard to find an actor who is not gripped by the fear of the unknown, and feeling desperate as…
March 27, 2018