Opinion - Page 217

The Kashmir Monitor opinions section features opinion articles, editorial opinions, today's opinion, analysis and columnist & opinion stories.
March 25, 2024

PM Modi could swing Tesla to India

On March 15, the government announced a new scheme to promote investment in EVs. Any company willing to invest $500 million in a new manufacturing facility that begins production in three years…

Pakistan’s primordial Hindu heritage

The election of 39-year-old Krishna Kumari as the first Hindu Dalit woman to occupy a place in Pakistan’s Senate shines a spotlight on Pakistan’s long-suffering Hindu minority. Escaping a life of forced…
March 18, 2018

The evolution and regression of a state

The present war in Afghanistan, beginning in 1978 as Zia’s War and morphing through various forms until today it can be seen as Trump’s War, has already lasted nearly 40 years. It…
March 17, 2018

A pattern the BJP cannot ignore

The by poll results in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, taken together with those last month in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, are suggestive of a pattern that the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) cannot afford…
March 17, 2018

The promise breakers

Election time promises rarely materialise in power corridors of government. The contemporary orientation of decision making correlates to democratic style of Functioning. It is here in this way of ruling that the…
March 17, 2018

The importance of dissatisfaction

In a slave society, one can argue, the interest of the slaves lies in keeping the slave owner happy, for otherwise he is likely to flog and whip them mercilessly which would…
March 17, 2018

Delinking political and economic liberalism

Chinese President Xi Jinping heads the world’s second largest military and economic power, and calls the shots in the country. The recent amendment to China’s constitution that states that a person may…
March 17, 2018


Islam is a massive faith with 1.6 billion followers. A considerable section of the community lives as a minority community in many countries, battling issues of stereotyping, discrimination, and identity. With the…
March 16, 2018

Giving Makes You Rich

In John Bunyan’s 1684 classic The Pilgrim’s Progress, the character Old Honest poses this riddle to the innkeeper Gaius: “A man there was, tho’ some did count him mad. The more he…
March 16, 2018

Finding Your Human Potential

Let us begin by observing the world around us and recognising that the laws of the universe dictate that everything is constantly moving, the universe is continuously expanding and there are stages…
March 16, 2018
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