Christians of Kashmir write to Diocese of Amritsar, seek action against TBMS management

M Aamir Khan

Srinagar: Christians of Kashmir have shot off a letter to Diocese of Amritsar seeking action against the management of Tyndale-Biscoe and Mallinson Society (TBMS).

The joint letter signed by the prominent members of the community that includes senior ex-teachers of the TBMS has threatened to boycott the activities of the Diocese in case immediate action was not taken.

“Respected Bishop Sahib, kindly take immediate action to prevent the situation from getting out of hand or we may be compelled to approach Govt. authorities, withhold payment of assessment to the diocese and not participate in any diocesan activity,” stated the letter, a copy of which is in the possession of The Kashmir Monitor.

The letter also alleged that the Christian staff in the school was being sidelined.

“We, the members of the All Saints’ Church, are writing to you to take cognizance and action. As you are already aware the Christian population in the region of Kashmir is minuscule. Unfortunately, the role that a Mission School could have played to employ and retain Christian staff was blatantly ignored due to the underlying insecurities of a particular family. Christian staff is naturally drawn to the Church for their spiritual growth and to contribute to the body of Christ from which we all benefit. Over the years we have observed that Christian staff who are efficient have never been allowed to rise to Administrative positions instead they have been harassed and compelled to resign, even a peon has not been spared from harassment (sic),” the letter stated.

“How long, how far can sin be ignored, and the Head of our Diocese turn his head away from the immoral activities in the TBMS? What are we going to answer the Great Judge when we stand before Him? We do not understand why rules are different for a particular family and different for Christian employees. Extensions after retirement are only given to employees who the Management of the TBMS so desires,” it added.

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