One lady created a ruckus at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Centre’s mosque in northern Virginia in the US.
The video of the woman dressed in a saree where she was dragged out of the mosque by two cops went viral on social media.
“Woman gets removed from Masjid at Eid prayer. Where did this happen and what happened? Anyone?” tweeted a netizen.
Later, the ADAMS Centre issued a statement and said that the lady had mental health issues.
“We want to clarify that the recent incident at the mosque on Friday, April 21, during the ADAMS Sterling, Virginia, Eid prayer involved an individual from the Muslim community struggling with mental health issues. ADAMS leadership and social services have met and are working with the family to provide additional resources and help. The family sincerely asks for forgiveness for the incident in the morning during Eid prayers,” the statement said.