A shocking video has surfaced on social media where a groom is being thrashed at his own wedding. The incident took place on Friday (December 17) at a banquet hall in Sahibabad area of Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad. The man was allegedly beaten up as his family demanded a big amount of money as extra dowry.
Right before the Nikah ceremony, the groom’s father reportedly demanded Rs 10 lakh and threatened to call off the wedding if the demand was not met.
Watch the video here: https://www.facebook.com/KashmirMonitor/videos/442265837307566
According to reports, the bride’s family had already given Rs 3 lakh in cash and a diamond ring worth Rs 1 lakh. But the groom’s family was not satisfied. The bride’s family tried to persuade the groom’s family but they were not convinced. This irked the bride’s family and guests and they thrashed the groom. The bride’s side also claimed that the man was married 2-3 times before.
As the matter escalated, the groom was seen being beaten up by the bride’s relatives and wedding guests. A woman, his relative, was seen shielding him from angry guests in the video. A policeman was also seen in the video trying to control the situation.