Salwan Momika, the Iraqi refugee infamous for burning the Quran, was shot dead in his apartment in the Swedish city of Sodertalje on Thursday, local media reported.
According to local media, Swedish authorities attended the scene after receiving information of a shootout at around midnight on Wednesday and were looking for the attacker.
“A man was found shot in a home in Hovsjo in Sodertalje late on Wednesday … It is 38-year-old Salwan Momika, who has died from gunshot wounds,” Swedish state broadcaster SVT said.
Stockholm police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl said that five suspects had been taken into police custody for questioning in connection with the brutal “execution”.
The 38-year-old militia leader was due to appear today before a Stockholm court accused of inciting ethnic hatred.
Momika, from Al-Hamdaniya District, east of Mosul, stomped on the Islamic holy book and set several pages alight in front of the Swedish capital’s largest mosque on 30 June.
He sparked widespread outrage after standing outside a mosque in Stockholm desecrating the religious book and the second outside the Iraqi embassy.
Momika has received death threats after setting alight a copy of the Quran twice in 2023 as a protest against Islam.
Religious leaders across the Middle East and Europe condemned the acts and popular protests were held across Iraq at the time.
Despite the outrage, Swedish police granted him a permit for the protest in line with free-speech protections in the country.
He fled to Sweden several years ago, after being charged with several legal complaints, including deception.
This is a developing story.
Best news ! Allah hu akbar. Congratulations to the one who did it ❤️
Aamir Wani your mother
First good news of 2025..
Balai dafah
Best news soo far 🥰
Allah Hu Akbar
Excellent news.
Best news
Fi Naari Jahnam
Tasaduq Amin khalideena feeha abadaa
Who is the lion who shot him
2025 ist good news for me
Dil khush huva
Allah hu akber
Wasti jahnum gowe receef
Alhamdulillah. Second good news after LA fire.
Taseer Tariq gaza is gone for ever , 🐈
Zvi Yehuda Shabatai U have tried for the last 70 years, and all u get is my middle finger 🤘.
Zvi Yehuda Shabatai i know your mother lost a customer
Allah u akbar
Alhamdullah ❤️
Allah hu Akbar
Why did he burn the Holy Book?
Kamlesh Yadav…he was an atheist….so they don’t believe in God…. .God finally told him u crossed limit and dispatched him to hell
Sam Kh so god is a murderer?
Parth Mohan God is Creator..cannot burn holy book…so no sympathy for this dog
Sam Kh
You are only partially correct. Had that heart wrenching action of Quran desecration been because of his atheist outlook he would have burnt not only holy Quran but would have disrespected holy scriptures of other religions too. He was by all criteria a muslim and islam hater and that is reason he chose holy Quran only .
Tayib Majid Kashmiri if u speak only about your religion…people will not support u…..u need to speak whether it’s any religious book genuine or fake ….
Sam Kh
You are mass of confusion who is everytime displaying constipation of thoughts and diarrhoea of words
Ab wo kutey ki mout mara
Kamlesh Yadav it’s not holy.
Naji Majo Dogs bark
Naji Majo how u would feel if someone burns bagwat Gita like that. Every holy book should be respected
Naji Majo, this is the ultimate holy for u, now go and bath
Kamlesh Yadav, because he was an andh-bakht
Kamlesh Yadavwhat holy book ? Quran are but lies and hate just like hitlers mein kampf .time to ban islam
Kamlesh Yadav He had some problems with the holy Quran and muslims but chose wrong way to express it
allahu akbar
Good news
Fee naar jehnum feha abadan abda
Never mess with Creator…..He is Almighty Allah….dog dispatched to hell
الحمدلله 😍😍😍
Hell is waiting for him..
Allah is the best Judge
Allah hu Akbar
Great news
Congratulations 🎉
We should also start to do the same with people who kill cows then ! Absolutely same ! (Religion of peace)
Parth Mohan Go to nagaland and assam first to see how they eat cows…
Daher Mujtaba ok but does it justify killing in the sake of religion?
Parth Mohan no…but why to poke someones religion
Daher Mujtabais your religion so fragile then?
Parth Mohan no we can’t tolerate anything on religion…Religion comes first for muslims…. ask any good muslim this you will get the same answer
Daher Mujtabathen your religion is a false religion, it needs reforms. Because every religion starts from kindness. Now wonder why people hate it ! Bombing people, killing people !
Parth Mohan haha….when you don’t have an answer…Phir yehi sun ne ko milta hai tum galat ho.Religion humara masla be humara…tum apna dekho
Parth Mohan And we also know who is killing who and bombing muslim in afghan iraq syria
Religion hi chutiyapa hai aur gandupana. Agar koi religion kisi ko jaan leta hai to usse gandu koi religion nahi !
Great job
allah hu akbar
Good news, who short him, he is a great person. Allah usko salamat rakhay
Sahil Sahilthere is no holy Quran but sheitans book
You will know when u die…surely you will know..
Gobar bhakhtoo k liye buri khabar
Rest in Hell
Allah hu akbar
Allah Ho Akbar dil khush huva
And We reveal of the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy for believers though it increase the evil doers in naught save ruin.
( The Quran / 17:82 )
Wow i like it,hell is waiting
Excellent riddance
My heartiest salute to the shooter.
Allah hu Akbar
Go to hell
Now rest in hell, ameen
Dispatched to hell
Uba Id who ? The muslims you mean
He has been awarded right
“Whoever tries to burn the Quran ends up burning themselves. Today, this accursed person has met his fate.”
Being an atheist it was not surprising, but being by name Muslims we r far far away from its ( Holy Quran) teachings & orders
Gh Nabi Dar ,does the quran permit to kill a person if he abuses kuran
Sunil Kumar No dear. Almighty is himself sufficient to take care of those abusing or disobeying his orders anywhere & anytime
Murdered by followers of sheitan
Zvi Yehuda Shabatai may Allah destroy Israel terrorist country
Kormakh jahanamas hawal
Good news
Allah ho Akbar
Al-Ḥamdu lillāh
Very nice deserves HELL
Allahuakbar !
Fi nari saqar
Good news
Go to hell
Religion of piece
Sandesh Bharatiya yes
Good job
Alhamdulillah ❤️
Good news
Allah u akbar.
Sending bundles of love to that person.
Now rest in hell forever
He deserves this reward
Wasili jahannum
My Allah is best judge always
He knows better than us
Pat se head shot
Allah tallah senz lanat easin emis
Allah hu akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allahumdullah ????
Sniper Muslim ultra pro mix
Now he will burn in hell forever
Now taste in hell.
Shukr shukr
It amazing to hear.
May he rest in hell.
Go to hell
Lannat ho is khabbes par
Excellent news
Allah hu Akbar
🔥About the Bible
❌ Pedophile Miracle 🤮
🔹2 king 4:33/35 – Elisha shut the door, upon them twain. He LAY ON 🛌 the (dead) boy putting his mouth on the boy’s mouth 💋. Elisha went back & put himself on the boy again. The boy opened his eyes.
❌ No galaxy 🌌! The earth is a circle ⭕️ above a body of water!
🔹Job 26:10 – God drew a circle on the face of the waters 🔹Deu 5:8 – Don’t make images of anything in heaven or in the WATER UNDER the earth.🔹1 Sam 2:8 – The PILLARS of the earth are the LORD’s & He has set the world UPON them🔹Psa 93:1 – The world cannot be moved 🌎🔹2 Pet 3:5 – The earth was formed out by water ! (🚧Not by gas 🤯)🔹Prov 25:3 – The heaven cannot be investigated 🚀 !
❌End of Time was for the year 1000 ☄️
🔹 Revel 20:5/6 – The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1000 years were ended. This is the 1st resurrection. The 2nd death (After 1000 years) has no power over them🔎 Quran 22:47
❌Charlatanism: How old was jesus before he was born as a baby👩🍼?
👦🏻🔹Prov 8:23/31 – I (Jesus) was set up before the beginning of the earth. I was his delight day by day, PLAYING over the whole of his earth with the sons of men↔️ 👶🏻🔹Matt 1:21 – She will give birth to a son & you will name him Jesus🌀He plays with the children then becomes an embryo? Jesus waits 9 months in his mother’s womb?
❌ Duotheist Religion:
1️⃣2 Gods👥🔹Heb 1:8 – God said of his Son: Your throne, O GOD, is forever 2️⃣Jesus will resurrect God 🏋️♀️🔹Joh 6:39 – Now the will of him who sent me is that I raise HIM up again at the last day.
❌ Jesus NEVER sacrificed himself ☦️
🔹Heb 6:1/6 – Therefore let us leave the principles of the doctrine of Christ ⚠️. For it is impossible to bring them to repentance, as long as they continue to crucify the Son of God to their own detriment by exposing him to public SHAME 💜
❌ Jesus was burned 🔥
🔹Eph 5:2/phil 2:8 – Christ gave Himself up for us, an offering & sacrifice to God [slain for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance 🔎 Exo 29:18
❌ The Christian God is :
1️⃣Cannibal 👹🔹Deut 28:53 – You will EAT your children, the FLESH of your sons during hardship your enemy imposes on you.
2️⃣WEAK ☔️🔹Zec 14:17 – If any nation refuses to go to Jerusalem & BOW DOWN to the LORD for the FEAST of booths, NO RAIN will fall on their land
3️⃣God Loves the chosen people 💩 🔹Ezek 4:12 – You shall bake it with Human excrement. This is how Israel shall EAT their bread!
❌ Spirit = Brain 🦄
🔹2 kin 2:9/17 -Elisha said: Let me inherit a DOUBLE PORTION of your SPIRIT 🧠Elijah replied: if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours. Suddenly a chariot & HORSES OF FIRE 🔥 appeared & Elijah went up to heaven.
❌ Paradise 🌴
1️⃣ No hell for the uneducated 🤓
🔹Mat 5:3 – Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
2️⃣ You will rest in Peace 👼
🔹Mat 11:12 – The Kingdom of Heaven has been suffering violent assault & the violent have been seizing it by force 👊
3️⃣ How to have a small place🏆?
🔹Mat 5:19 – Whoever annuls one of these (10) commandments will be called SMALL in the kingdom of heaven.
❌ Religion without LAW 📜
🔹Gal 2:21 – If righteousness comes by [observing] the Law (eg.10 command.), then Christ died needlessly !
❌Religion With doctrines of Demons 😇
🔹1 Tim 4:1- Some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to doctrines of demons. These people are hypocrites & LIARS, they FORBID people to MARRY! ⛔️There are about 650,000 nuns in the world 🌎!
❌ Religion of Slavery 👨🏾
🔷 Ephe 6:5/Luke 12:47 – Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect & fear. Obey them as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart 👉Could black people enter the church ⛪ in the past ? How to build Rome 🏟?
❌ Misogynistic Religion 👩
🔹1 Tim 2:12 – I don’t permit a woman to teach nor to have authority but TO BE IN SILENCE 🤫🔹1 Cor 14:35 – It is SHAMEFUL for a woman to speak in church!
❌ Advice for rapists 🐷
🔹Deut 21:10 – If you see a beautiful woman among the captives. She will shave her head & weep her parents. After that you will go into her.
❌ A SATANIC book 😈
1️⃣🔹Rev 13:4-The Beast (Byzantium) was allowed to claim TO BE God & rule. He opened his mouth to INSULT God⚡️.He was allowed to fight against Saints & defeat them!
2️⃣🔹1 joh 5:19 – The world is under the power of the DEVIL👺!
3️⃣🔹Luk 4:5 – SATAN took Jesus up to a high mountain & said: I will give you all this power, I can give it to anyone I please🦸♂️!
4️⃣🔹1 Joh 5:20 – Jesus Christ, He is the TRUE God 🪓 (The other is fake?)
5️⃣🔹Luk 14:26 – If anyone comes to me without HATING his family & even his life, he cannot be my disciple🖤
❌Proofs of Misguidance 👨🦯
1️⃣ Don’t Pray 🙏🔹Isa 1:13 – STOP bringing meaningless offerings! Your Sabbaths & pious meetings, I cannot bear your worthless assemblies🤣
2️⃣ Don’t Repent 📿🔹Rev 22:10 – The time is near, Whoever is EVIL must go on doing EVIL & whoever is FILTHY must go on being FILTHY.
❌ You are PAULISTS 🐑
🔹2 Tim 2:8/Gal 1:11 – Jesus, risen from the dead, descended from David, AS PROCLAIMED by my gospel. 📚Paul’s texts date from the 50s, before the 4 gospels: Mark 70s, Matt 80s, Luke 90s & John 100s 🦎Jesus was circumcised & did not eat pork 🐷
❌ BIG LIE 🤥: Holy Spirit ≠ Comforter
🔹John 16:7/13 – Unless I go away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit?) will not come to you, he will convict the world concerning sin, because they don’t believe in me! He will disclose what is to come ≠🔹John 20:22 – Jesus said, Receive the Holy Spirit (already with Jesus‼️)
📩🔸Quran 61:6 – Jesus said: “I am God’s Messenger, confirming the Torah & announcing a Messenger to come after me “Muhammad “
Good News💌God protected Jesus/Isa🔸Quran 4:157- They neither killed nor crucified him, it was only made to APPEAR SO. God is Almighty & Wise!
🔎 Proofs
1️⃣🔹Heb 5:7 – Jesus begged God with loud cries & tears to save him from death & God listened to his prayers!
2️⃣🔹Gal 3:1 – Jesus Christ was publicly PORTRAYED AS having been crucified!
3️⃣🔹1 Cor 15:15 – We are found false witnesses of God because 👉we have testified of God that he raised up Christ!
✅ Prophet Isa(iah) = Jesus 🕴🏻
🔹Joh 12:39/41 – Isaiah SAID AGAIN, He hardened their heart. ISAIAH SAID (to john) these things, because he spake OF HIM ✍️ The letter «J» created in 1524!
🕋 🔹Deu 32:13 – They sucked honey 🐝 out of the rock.32:15 Then they rejected the Mighty Rock, YOUR only place of safety
🕌About Islam :Christmas 🔸5:2/ 5:97/ 19:33 – Do not violate the rites of God, the Sacred Month, the offerings nor the garlands🎄
👰Marriage age = Majority 🔸4:6/ 4:127
🧕Veil for praying🔸7:31/ 7:26 – Take your adornment at every time of Prayer.
👘🔸49:13 – We made you nations & cultures, so you may IDENTIFY one other
🌙🔸2:256 – No compulsion in religion, Righteousness is now distinct from ERROR!
💡🔸5:48 – If God had willed, He could’ve made you 1 community, but He tests you. So, compete in doing good!
❤️ 🔸11:90 – My Lord is indeed full of Mercy & Love.
does the quran permit to kill a person if he abuses kuran
islam = DOG SHIT -… pædofile shaitan prophet
Dispatched to hell
Good News ♥️
The imposition of capital punishment constitutes a formidable deterrent, effectively mitigating the propensity of individuals to engage in acts of sacrilegious defiance against the Islamic faith.
He MashaAllah
Hona hi tha
The great Allah subhanahu wtala said:
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ
[ الحجر: 9]
★ Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.
وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ نَسِيًّا ☝️
May he rest in hell
Good shot
Asal kiya jhanam raseed kiya
Allahu Akbar
Headshot awm
Hell is waiting for him
Woww nice shot 👏 👌
Allah hu akbar
Dil baag baag hova
Asal …. Almighty Allah 💗 is our super power the whole universe
You guys just justified the mob lynching because of beef now ! 😍
Went to hell
Deposited in hell 😆
mashallah to the one who shot himmm
Thoo che lanath wasin
Roast in Hell.
it amazing to hear May he rest in hell
Islam Boht bada hy mashah Allah
Yeh jadal Kahan ka hy
Died like pig