SRINAGAR, MAY 4: Power Development Department (PDD) today said electricity supply has been maintained in Kashmir despite numerous challenges.
A spokesperson for the Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department (JKPDD) said following the catastrophic incident of land subsidence in Ramban on April 25, power infrastructure suffered huge damage. The severity of the situation was significant, rendering the affected areas inaccessible.
Despite the challenges posed by the incident, emergency restoration works were promptly initiated by both PDD’s and PGCIL’s restoration teams. As per the initial reports, four vital links involving two Double Circuit (D/C) transmission lines, owned by PGCIL, connecting the Kashmir Valley to the Northern Grid through the Peer Top route (Jawahar Tunnel) suffered an outage – one of the transmission lines had sustained substantial damage while the other transmission line running parallelly in the same locality, was kept under shutdown as a precautionary measure. However, the department’s prior planning and timely action executed in the past, by laying of another 400 kV Samba (Jammu)-Amargarh (Kashmir) Transmission line, following an entirely different route via Mughal Road, proved helpful during this catastrophe. Consequently, the power flow to the valley was conveniently maintained through the 400 kV Samba (Jammu)-Amargarh (Kashmir) Transmission line, without any disruption in power supply. Besides, the power being generated from locally situated powerhouses of Kashmir (both NHPC & JKPDC) is also being utilized to meet the load demand of the Kashmir valley.
It’s worth noting that more than a decade ago, similar damage occurred to the Transmission line passing through the Peer Top route, which had plunged the entire Kashmir valley into darkness for over 13 days, as the 400 kV Samba (Jammu)-Amargarh (Kashmir) Transmission line was not existing at that time. As per the latest reports, one Double circuit Transmission line, which had been kept off as a precautionary measure was charged on 30th April 2024 while one of the circuits of the other D/C Transmission line is expected to be charged on Emergency Restoration Systems (ERS) by 15th May 2024. During the same period when the land subsidence occurred, heavy rainfall and wind storm outside the sinking zone of the same district, caused damage to one of the towers of the 132 kV Chenani-Srinagar (CSTL) line. The said line feeds Tathar Grid, which caters power supply to Banihal and adjoining areas. However, the disruption was momentary as the power supply to the Tathar Grid was promptly restored from the alternate Mir Bazar Grid. Thus, the damage did not affect the power supply in the area. Likewise, the underlying distribution infrastructure also got damaged due to the land subsidence, primarily damaging the 33/11 kV Receiving Station Kanga besides uprooting many poles, affecting around 10,000 consumers. However, various alternate/ temporary makeshift arrangements were swiftly made to ensure a smooth power supply to about 2500 consumers the very next day while the power supply to all the remaining households/ consumers was also restored in two days.
The department’s spokesperson further informed that as the high-demand winter season has just concluded in Kashmir and the load/ demand in the valley has started to reduce gradually with the rising temperature, the department has prudently ensured providing around 1400-1450 MW (average) of power supply in the valley even though hydropower has not fully come up as the water level in J&K rivers is still low. As such, power is being sourced through the Central Generating stations, with a major share coming from Thermal Power Plants. A comprehensive schedule of power supply has been devised and is diligently adhered to. However, the spokesperson expressed his deep concern over the incidents of rampant power theft, particularly mid-span hooking, being reported in several areas, which render the system vulnerable to damage and in turn, inevitable power disruptions. Accordingly, besides taking technical measures by replacing bare conductors with Aerial Bunched Cables to deter hooking, concerted efforts are being made to eliminate power pilferage.
The department has initiated a massive enforcement drive against power theft, which will be substantially scaled up, and it will be ensured that stringent action under the law is taken against those indulging in power theft. It was further informed that instances of power theft have also been reported in the smart metered areas. The department is taking a very strict view of such cases and Legal action under Section 135 of the Electricity Act is being pursued vigorously to combat such violations and uphold the integrity of the system. The department remains committed to providing the best of services to legitimate consumers. Besides a 24×7 call center is fully functional, which facilitates complete end-to-end disposal of complaints, which are monitored at the highest levels. In addition, a separate mechanism is also in place for monitoring the damages to distribution transformers, regardless of their location including the most remote or inaccessible areas as well. It was reiterated that in today’s modern era, where on-demand services have become a practice, the power sector is no exception. The payments to different generators towards procurement of power for its further distribution to the consumers is to be timely made, which is being monitored through an online portal in real-time. Any delays in payments result in power regulation by the Gencos. Similarly, consumers are expected to promptly make payments on the same lines for their electricity usage, and any violations/ breaches whether in making payments or resorting to any illegal methods of drawing electricity are not acceptable. The modern interventions are intended to facilitate better services to the consumers, ultimately aiming to provide a 24×7 power supply for all.