JKBOSE Class 12 revaluation results 2020 out: Here is how to check your score

Monitor News Desk

The Class 12 summer zone revaluation results have been released by the Jammu and Kashmir Board of Secondary Education (JKBOSE) on its official website jkbose.ac.in.

Candidates who have applied for revaluation can check and download their update score from the official website.

The result has been released in the PDF format.

Here is the direct link to check the result

After opening the document, candidates can press Control and F key together on the keyboard and enter their name or roll number to check their score.

A total of 3,646 students have applied for JKBOSE Class 12 revaluation.

If there is no revision or change in the marks after revaluation, then the list will mention “No Change” next to the candidate’s name and roll number.

Students whose marks have been revised will be able to collect their original mark sheets from their respective schools after some days.

Steps to check JKBOSE Class 12 Summer Zone revaluation result 2020:

Step 1: Log on to The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education official website – jkbose.ac.in.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on link that mentions, “Enter main website.”

Step 3: You will be directed to a new page where under the Notifications tab, you have to click on the link that reads, “12TH ANNUAL REGULAR SUMMER ZONE, 2020, JD RE-EVALUATION RESULT NOTIFICATION.”

Step 4: The re-evaluation results will open on the page in form of a PDF document.

Step 5: Look for your name and roll number and the changed score.

Step 6: Check your marks carefully before saving and taking printout of the revaluation result.

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