BJP MP and actor Sunny Deol on Sunday evening issued a statement on Twitter, saying that he believes the government at the Centre always thinks about the betterment of farmers and hopes the party will ensure the right outcome after talks with farmers protesting against the new agricultural laws.
“I know that many people want to take advantage of the situation and are creating problems. They are not thinking of farmers. They may have their own agenda. I stand with my party and farmers and will always be with farmers. Our government always thinks of the betterment of farmers and I am sure that the government will ensure the right outcome after holding talks with farmers,” the BJP MP from Gurdaspur said in a statement.
However, his statement didn’t go down well with netizens who trolled him for being “diplomatic” and “dual-faced.” One user wrote, “You don’t have a spine. You can not stand with anyone, Sir.” Another said, “Your statement is making zero sense… Stop giving political tickets to random people!” Referring to Sunny’s classic film ‘Damini’, one user wrote, “I stand with Chaddha and Damini.”
Thousands of farmers, mostly from Punjab and Haryana, have gathered at various border points of Delhi since November 26 as part of their protest against the BJP-led central government farm laws.
The protesting farmers are worried the new laws will eliminate the safety cushion of a Minimum Support Price (MSP) and procurement system while rendering ineffective the mandi system that ensures earnings for various stakeholders in the farm sector.