Srinagar: Hours after Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha ordered magisterial probe, authorities exhumed bodies of Mohammad Altaf Bhat and Dr Mudassir Gul from a graveyard at Wadder, Zachaldara in Handwara.
Official sources said bodies were exhumed under the supervision of Tehsildar Handwara in presence a team of doctors. They said the bodies are being sent to Srinagar for handing over same to the families. Sources said that families have been asked to limit the funeral to few people only. Also restrictions have been imposed in the area to prevent “law and order”.
Earlier Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha announced magisterial inquiry into the incident. Altaf Bhat’s brother Abdul Majeed welcomed the probe and hoped justice will be done
“I am thankful to LG for ordering an inquiry. I am thankful that my oppressed voice was heard by someone. I only have one request to the LG, I want the body of my brother returned to us,” he said.
He said that after the announcement of the inquiry, he was hopeful that the family will get justice. “I request the LG to please return the body quickly because his (Bhat’s) children want to see the face of their father one last time,” he said. (GNS)