By Firdous Hassan ––
Another lockdown has been imposed to combat the second COVID -19 wave in the country.
People are attracted to junk food while staying at home. Coupled with less physical activity, there are chances of weight gain. Last year, Facebooking WhatsApping, Netflix, and junk food became part of our routine. Therefore, it became harder to live with the passive lifestyle.
Due to restrictions, people may find themselves living a more sedentary lifestyle. Some research even suggests that active adults have seen their activity levels drop by around 32% in lockdown.
Working from home, physical distancing, and the closure of gyms, parks, and other sports facilities may contribute to this. Quarantine restrictions may also result in people experiencing boredom, which may force them to overeat.
So now what matters is how we take care of our health during these testing times and motivate others to stay fit and healthy. As the maxim goes “a healthy mind is in a healthy body”, it is imperative to have a very active lifestyle in order to live a disease-free and happy life.
Remember almost everyone in the valley is in the same situation of despair and stress. But it won’t last forever. Till the situation improves, we need to be a bit more creative.
For any kind of work, motivation is the most essential thing, which determines the results of hard work. So the first step is to prepare your mind. To motivate yourself, you need to watch inspirational videos of famous personalities to find out what motivated them to achieve something in life.
Stick to a routine
Plan out a routine and stick to it. It gives you a sense of stability and peace of mind. Don’t overeat. Have a balanced diet and meals. Go to bed early so that you can rise early. Make sure you get your normal eight-hour sleep. Plan different things for weekends. Take a day off so you can break the monotony.
Get a daily dose of fresh air
This is one of the best activities suggested by the medical expert. Early morning, stroll in your lawn or road. Take small runs. it’s good for your physical and mental health. Again, plan your schedule accordingly. Getting out of the house will make you feel better and reduce cabin fever. It is often suggested that deep breathing and brisk walking reduce one’s mental stress.
Exercise inside regularly
After a brisk walk, one can set the routine of exercising even inside the room. It could be yoga, weights, dancing, or other forms of exercise. There are many websites offering free virtual exercise classes. It’s also a great time to get stuck into the garden, mow the lawns, clean the house and trim the hedge.
Meditation is proven to have many mental and physical benefits. It improves your health and helps you to stay calm.
Have fun
If you feel too bored, try new things. Watch a movie or do some puzzles. Play some board games, read, write, redecorate, play charades, start to learn language or do those things that will put a smile on your face.
Have a digital detox
While it’s important to stay connected digitally, make sure you take a break and balance your use. Screen time should not overwhelm you. You should remain digitally connected but it should not become an addiction. Switch to ‘do not disturb’ mode and live a healthy life.
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