Cyber fraud: Man books cab, loses Rs 2.23 lakh

Monitor News Desk

Amid growing incidents of cyber frauds, a software engineer has reportedly lost Rs 2.23 lakh to fraudsters in Pune while attempting to book a taxi to Nashik.

As per a ToI report, he, however, was able to recover Rs 71,000. According to the police, the man found a travel agency online and tried to book a cab through their website. Due to a glitch the payment did not go through.

“He got a call from a man named Rajat from the agency who asked him to make a payment of Rs 100 and pay the balance after the trip. He made the payment. At midnight, he received a message on his mobile that sums of Rs 81,400, Rs 71,085, and Rs 1.42 lakh had been debited his bank account in three transactions,” the report said.

With reference to growing incidents of cyber frauds, Minister of State for Home Affairs, Ajay Kumar Mishra had stated the following in a written reply yesterday.

“With enhanced use of cyber space, number of cyber crimes including cyber fraud is also increasing. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) compiles and publishes the statistical data on crimes in its publication “Crime in India”. The latest published report is for the year 2021. NCRB does not maintain specific data relating to cases of frauds through fake websites,” he said.

“‘Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are State subjects as per the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. States/UTs are primarily responsible for deployment of adequate infrastructure facilities, state-of-art technology gadgets, manpower and training of police personnel to combat the cyber crime menace. The Central Government supplements the initiatives of the State Governments through advisories and schemes for the capacity building of their Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).”

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