‘Callousness’ towards scientists: SKUAST-Kashmir begins week-long protest strike

Srinagar: Responding to the call of SKUAST-K Scientists and Teachers Association (SSTA), a complete pendown strike was observed at different faculties, Research Stations, KVKs and other constituent units of SKUAST-Kashmir on Monday.

According to an SSTA spokesperson, the protest call was given against the “callous approach of university administration in ameliorating the various problems faced by the scientist fraternity.

President SSTA, Prof. S.A. Dar said that after the association failed to convince university administration in addressing the problems of scientist fraternity, the association was forced to call for a weeklong peaceful protest program.

“The protest will continue for a week as per the calendar issued by the executive body of the association among the various constituent units of the university through their elected representatives” Prof Dar said.

“Immediate settlement of the pending CAS cases, timely release of salary of KVK scientists, release of CAS Arrears, Adherence to university norms with respect to one man-one post, rotation of divisional heads, uploading University council decisions on university website, removing Pay anomaly of ASWO’s, release of 5 advance increments for newly recruited scientists. The rationalization of the supporting staff to strengthen different faculties are some of the issues that the association have been pressing for the immediate implementation without any further delay,” he added.

Professor Dar hailed the scientific fraternity for responding to the call and ensuring a disciplined and peaceful protest.

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