Video: Twins marry twins….have identical babies too

Monitor News Desk

Imagine twins marrying twins and having identical babies too!

Well, this is not something from a novel or a movie. It is a real-life story of two twin couples in Virginia, United States.

Identical twin sisters Brittany and Briana Deane got married to identical twin brothers Josh and Jeremy Salyers.

The couples met in 2017 at a festival for twins. Six months later, the brothers (35) proposed to the sisters (33). The couples had a joint wedding in August 2018. Interestingly, the sisters got pregnant around the same time last year

A few months the couples had babies. Luckily they too are ‘quaternary’ twins. “Sometimes the best things in life come in TWOS!” salyerstwins wrote on Instagram

Social media has exploded after they posted pictures and videos. “When BOTH of your parents are identical twins, things can get a little confusing! ✨🤔🤔✨”, the twins captioned their video.

“Although they’re cousins, they will be genetically siblings,” wrote a user.

“They will share at least 50% of their DNA. The same as siblings🙂,” wrote another

“We’re all #confused, beautiful family, but why fight so hard to conform to someone else? Don’t any of you want some sort of identity,” wrote third.

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